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Welcome !
We are Blessing Moment Studio

Blessing Moment Studio is setup in Hong Kong at Sept 2021,
our team mainly specializing in
Maternity, Prewedding, Big Day, Family and Personal Portrait photography services.
Photographer - Edmond Ho

Edmond 是Blessing Moment Studio的創辦人和首席攝影師。
他也是時尚和商業攝影師,在香港擁有近 10 年的拍攝時尚照及多位藝人合作拍攝經驗,
Edmond is the founder and chief photographer of Blessing Moment Studio.
He is also a fashion and commercial photographer with nearly 10 years of experience in shooting fashion photos and co-shooting with many artists in Hong Kong, e.g. : Jennifer Yu, Louise Wong and Jeffrey Ngai.
He is also very good at capturing the personalities of different characters.
Additionally, he creates uniqueness for his photographs through the use of his signature black and white tones and natural light.

Edmond 喜歡專注捕捉客人之間的互動和真摯情感,亦善於發掘客人獨特的一面。
Edmond likes to focus on capturing the interactions and sincere emotions.
Also, he is excels at discovering the unique sides of every clients.
His photography aim is to keep the photos simple and authentic, present a stylish and elegant feel, and most importantly, make our clients enjoy the entire shooting process in relax and trustful atmosphere.

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